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The 14th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies

Invited Talk II
Time: 15:50 - 16:35 Monday, October 15, 2007
Location: Conference Hall (2F)
Chair: Yusuke Matsunaga (Kyushu University, Japan)

I2-1 (Time: 15:50 - 16:35)
TitleWhy Study Quantum Circuits and What They Are Good For
Author*Igor Markov (University of Michigan, United States)
Pagepp. 225 - 230
AbstractAs transistor dimensions approach atomic scale, quantum-mechanical effects such as tunneling and spin become important ingredients in accurate performance models of integrated circuits. Theoretical work in terms of such models suggests that power-density constraints may eventually require a departure from common practices of representing logic 0s and 1s by charges, voltages or currents. Instead, nuclear and electron spins are proposed as primary careers of stationary information, e.g., in the well-publicized demonstration by IBM in 2000, and photon polarizations can transport quantum information over great distances, acting as quantum bits. However, the algebra of quantum bits is radically different from the Boolean algebra that describes modern digital electronics, while such states are succeptible to frequent and unusual types of errors. On the positive side, quantum communication promises an unparalleled level of security and some quantum algorithms solve other-wise intractable problems in polynomial time. Despite many potential applications and several active start-ups in the field, the main obstacle to further progress in quantum information processing is complexity. This is where design automation can lend a helping hand.